Below is a list of publications with relevance to the area of collective worship. If you have suggestions for additions to the list, please contact us.
Arthur, J., Gearon, L., Sears, A. (2010) Education, Politics and Religion Reconciling the Civil and the Sacred in education, Oxford: Routledge
Barnes, L.P Education, Religion and Diversity: Developing a New Model of Religious Education
Beadle, L. Ed., (2003) Space for Reflection: new ideas for quality school assemblies and collective worship, Christian Education Movement
Best, R. (ed.) (1996) Education, Spirituality and the Whole Child, London: Cassell.
Cheetham, R. (2000), Collective Worship: A Window into contemporary understandings of the nature of religious belief? British Journal of Religious Education, 22:2, 71-81.
Cheetham, R. (2001) How on earth do we find out what is going on in collective worship? An account of a grounded theory approach, British Journal of Religious Education. 23:3 165 – 176.
Cheetham, R. (2004). Collective Worship: Issues and Opportunities. London: SPCK.
Churches Joint Education Policy Committee Working Party Report, Collective Worship in County Schools, November 1994.
Clarke, C & Woodhead, L. (2015) A New Settlement: Religion and Belief in Schools (Westminster Faith Debates)
Copley, T., (1989) Worship Worries and Winners. London: The National Society and Church House Publishing.
Copley, T. (1992) Silence and Collective Worship. British Journal of Religious Education, 14(2), 74-79.
Copley, T (2000) Spiritual Development in the State School: a perspective on worship and spirituality in the education system of England and Wales, Exeter: University of Exeter Press
Cross, T. (2010) Faith Schools, Religious Education and Religious Worship in English and US Schools: A Comparative Study Education Law Journal 180-201
Cumper, P. (1998) School Worship: Praying for Guidance EHRLR 1, 45.
Cumper P and Mawhinney A (eds) (2015) Collective Worship and Religious Observance in Schools: An Evaluation of Law and Policy in the UK, ISBN 978-1-84220-138-1,
Davies, G. (2007). Spiritual Development in Church Schools – A Survey of Welsh Head Teacher’s Perceptions. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 12(3), 307-324.
D'Costa, Gavin (2000) The Meeting of the Religions and the Trinity, New York: Orbis Books, Chapter 5 'Praying Together to the Triune God? Is Interreligious Prayer Like Marital Infidelity?'
Eaude, T. (2006) Children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development, Exeter: Learning Matters.
Fitzsimmons, J. & Whiteford, R. (1989) Assemblies London: Stanley Thornes.
Flude,M. and Hammer, M. (1990) The Education Reform Act 1988 Its origins and implications. London: Falmer Press.
Freathy, R.J.K and Parker S.G (2013) ‘Secularists, Humanists and religious education: religious crisis and curriculum change, 1963-1975’, History of Education: Journal of the History of Education Society, 42: 2, 222—25, 232.
Gallagher, T. & Lundy, L. (2006) ‘Religion, Education and the Law in Northern Ireland’. In Lopezmuniz, Jose Luis, Jan de Groof & Gracienne Lauwers: Religious Education in Public Schools: Study of Comparative Law (pp.171-195). Dordrecht: Springer.
Gilfillan, P, Ewan Aitken & Alison Phipps (2012): A research report on the reception of the 2005 Religious Observance Guidelines in Scotland, British Journal of Religious Education, DOI:10.1080/01416200.2012.704870
Gill, J. (2000). The Contribution of the Act of Collective Worship to Spiritual and Moral Development, in R. Best (ed.) Education for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development. (pp. 106-116). London: Continuum.
Gill, J. (2004) The Act of Collective Worship: Pupil’s Perspectives. British Journal of Religious Education, 26(2), 185-196.
Gray, I.A.S. 1999. Religious observance in schools: A Scottish perspective. British Journal of Religious Education 22 (1) 35–45.
Hamilton, C. and B Watt. (1996) A Discriminating Education – Collective Worship and Religious Education in British Schools Comparative Family Law Quarterly 28
Harte, J.D.C. (1991) Worship and Religious Education under the Education Reform Act 1988--a Lawyer's View British Journal of Religious Education Volume 13, Issue 3 152-161
Hasler, J. (1986) An Assembly Collection Essex: Longman Group UK Ltd.
Hull, J. M. (1975) School Worship: An Obituary, London: SCM Press.
Hull, J. M. (1989) The Act Unpacked (The meaning of the 1988 Education Reform Act for Religious Education), The University of Birmingham and the Christian Education Movement.
Hull, J. M. (1995) Collective Worship: The Search for Spirituality Future Progress in Religious Education: The Templeton London Lectures at the R.S.A., London, RSA.
Inglis, Kathryn, (2013) A study of collective worship in non-denominational state secondary mixed schools in England, Master in Philosophy, University of Birmingham.
Ipgrave, J. (2012) 'Conversations between the Religious and Secular in English Schools' in Religious Education vol. 107, No. 1 p30-48
Kay, W. K. & Francis, L. J. (2001). Religious education and school assembly in England and Wales: what do religious minorities think? In H.-G. Heimbrock, C. Th. Scheilke, & P. Schreiner (Eds.), Towards religious competence: Diversity as a challenge for education in Europe (pp. 117-128). Munster: Lit Verlag. ISBN 3-8258-5015).
Khan, AN. (1995) Daily Collective Worship and Religious Education in British Schools 24 Journal of Law and Education 601.
Leicester, Mal, Celia Modgil and Sohan Modgil Spiritual and Moral Education. London New York : Falmer Press, 2000
Louden, L. (2004) The conscience clause in religious education and collective worship: conscientious objection or curriculum choice? British Journal of Religious Education Volume 26, Issue 3.
McCarthy, F (2011) ‘Prayers in the playground: religion and education in the United Kingdom and beyond’ in Jane Mair and Esin Orucu (eds) The Place of Religion in Family Law: A Comparative Search (Intersentia)
McCreery, E, (1991) Collective Worship in primary schools: Issues for practice British Journal of Religious Education Volume 76, Issue 1
McCreery, E. 1994. Towards an understanding of the notion of the spiritual in education. Early Child Development and Care 100(1) 93–9.
Mabud, Sheikh Abdul. A Muslim Response to the Education Reform Act 1988. British Journal of Religious Education Volume 14, Issue 2, 1992
Mawhinney A. (2006) ‘The opt-out clause: imperfect protection for the right to freedom of religion in schools’ 2 Education Law Journal 102-115.
Meredith, A.P. (2006) Religious education and collective worship in state schools: England and Wales. In, Martínez López-Muñiz, José Luis, De Groof, Jan and Lauwers, Gracienne (eds.) Religious Education in Public Schools: Study of Comparative Law. Dordrecht, NL, Springer, 155-169. (Yearbook of the European Association for Education Law and Policy, 6).
Miller, J. & McKenna, U. (2011), Religion and Religious Education: Comparing and Contrasting Pupils’ and Teachers’ Views in an English School. British Journal of Religious Education, 33(2), 173-187.
Nixon, G. (2013). Religious and Moral Education (chapters 49, 71). In T.G.K. Bryce, W.M. Humes, D. Gillies & A. Kennedy (Eds). Scottish Education Fourth Edition: Referendum. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (2008) ABC: Promoting an Anti-Bias Approach to Education in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education. (Part 2: Culture, Religion and Ethnicity)
Nye, R. (2009). Children’s Spirituality: What it is and Why it Matters. London: Church House Publishing.
Parents’ Voice Survey Report on the Place of Religion in Schools (SPTC, 26 June 2014)
Report of the 1997 Consultation (1997) The RE Council of England and Wales, The National Association of SACREs, The Inter-Faith Network for the UK, Collective Worship reviewed, Culham College Institute.
Religious Education Council, Northern Ireland (1978) Design for Religious Education: A Report presented to the Religious Education Council. Belfast: Christian Journals Ltd. (Chapter 9: The School Assembly)
Richardson, N. (2014) ‘Religious Education at Schools in Northern Ireland’. In Rothgangel, M., R. Jackson & M. Jäggle, Religious Education at Schools in Europe – Part 2: Western Europe. Vienna University Press. (see especially Section 9)
Rutherford, E, The Purpose and Value of Collective Worship JoTTER Vol.3 (2012) 83
Sandberg, R. and Buchanan, A. 2012. Religion, Regionalism and Education in the United Kingdom: Tales from Wales. In: Hunter-Henin, M. ed. Law, Religious Freedoms and Education in Europe. Cultural Diversity and Law Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 107-132.
Scolnicov, A. (2007) 'The child’s right to religious freedom and formation of identity' 15 International Journal of Children’s Rights 1-17
Reiss, M., White, J. (2013) An Aims-based Curriculum: the significance of human flourishing for schools. Institute of Education Press.
Slee, N. (1990). Developments in School Worship: An Overview. Journal of Beliefs and Values,11(1), pp. 5-10.
Watson, J., de Souza, M. and A. Trousdale (eds) (2014) Global Perspectives on Spirituality and Education, New York: Routledge.
Webster, Derek (2000) 'Collective Worship' in Andrew Weight and Ann-Marie Brandon (eds) Learning to Teach Religious Education in the Secondary School: A Companion to School Experience, London: Routledge Falmer
Wenman, T. 2001. Reporting the spiritual in primary schools. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality 6(3) 3: 311–24.
White, J. (2011) Exploring Well-being in Schools: a guide to making children's lives more fulfilling. London: Routledge.
White, J. (ed.) (2004) Rethinking the School Curriculum: Values, Aims and Purposes . London: Routledge/Falmer.
White, J.(2007) 'What schools are for and why ', Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain IMPACT Paper No 14
White, J.(2001) How should educational aims be decided?' in Yamazaki, T. (ed) Personal development in children from the perspective of the twenty-first century Kyoto: University of Kyoto Press
Wright, A. (2000) Spirituality and Education, London: RoutledgeFalmer.